Tap Tap Dash for PC

World's hardest game. Do you dare to challenge it?
Published by  Cheetah Games
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Tap Tap Dash pc screenshot

About Tap Tap Dash For PC

Free download Tap Tap Dash for PC Windows or MAC from BrowserCam. Cheetah Games published Tap Tap Dash for Android operating system(os) mobile devices. However if you ever wanted to run Tap Tap Dash on Windows PC or MAC you can do so using Android emulator. At the end of this article you will find our how-to steps which you can follow to install and run Tap Tap Dash on PC or MAC.

Get ready to spin your heads as you’re going to immerse yourself in one of the best arcade games ever! It’s Tap Tap Dash game where you just need to follow the on-screen directions and instructions with a single tap to cross different levels. Collect as many gems as you can because they would be helpful to unlock new levels and worlds in the later stages of the game.

Here are a few interesting things which we loved about this game!

#1. Easy Controls!

Unlike the action games or sports games which need a lot of taps on the screen to get involved, Tap Tap Dash just needs a tap on the screen to either jump or change the direction. There’s nothing more you need to do to win every level! That’s how simple it is to control Tap Tap Dash!

#2. 1000+ Levels to Beat!

Well, if you have loads of time and just want to have fun, these levels can be completed within a few days. It might sound easy but it’s actually hard to master to be honest! In the initial stages, the plot is straight and simple but when you go to further levels, you are sure to spin your head at good speeds given the direction change every single second.

#3. 4 Different Worlds!

There are 4 different worlds namely A, B, C & D and of course the Daily Survival where you collect all the rewards. You could play any world game in Tap Tap Dash but you need to start with World A and win at least 20+ levels and earn over 5000 gems to unlock other Worlds in the game. This makes the game interesting!

Overall, it’s a fun game and to be honest, it’s a never ending one! Once you start playing, you will surely get addicted to it if you love playing such arcade games. Get ready to have some fun by installing Tap Tap Dash on your devices now! 

Let's find out the prerequisites to install Tap Tap Dash on Windows PC or MAC without much delay.

Select an Android emulator: There are many free and paid Android emulators available for PC and MAC, few of the popular ones are Bluestacks, Andy OS, Nox, MeMu and there are more you can find from Google.

Compatibility: Before downloading them take a look at the minimum system requirements to install the emulator on your PC.

For example, BlueStacks requires OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP2, Windows XP SP3 (32-bit only), Mac OS Sierra(10.12), High Sierra (10.13) and Mojave(10.14), 2-4GB of RAM, 4GB of disk space for storing Android apps/games, updated graphics drivers.

Finally, download and install the emulator which will work well with your PC's hardware/software.

How to Download and Install Tap Tap Dash for PC or MAC:

  • Open the emulator software from the start menu or desktop shortcut in your PC.
  • You will be asked to login into Google account to be able to install apps from Google Play.
  • Once you are logged in, you will be able to search for Tap Tap Dash and clicking on the ‘Install’ button should install the app inside the emulator.
  • In case Tap Tap Dash is not found in Google Play, you can download Tap Tap Dash APK file and double clicking on the APK should open the emulator to install the app automatically.
  • You will see the Tap Tap Dash icon inside the emulator, double clicking on it should run Tap Tap Dash on PC or MAC with a big screen.

Follow above steps regardless of which emulator you have installed.