Chess Offline APK

Improve your chess with this great offline game
Published by  Wiguiart
37  Ratings19  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2017-12-01
Latest VersionBeta 1.2
Size3.07 MB
Android version4.1 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Chess Offline APK screenshot 1Chess Offline APK screenshot 1Chess Offline APK screenshot 1

Chess Offline APK Description

Chess on your Android

Chess is a board game for two players. It is played on a square board, made up of 64 smaller houses, with eight squares on each side. Each player starts with sixteen pieces: eight pawns, two horses, two bishops, two towers, a queen and a king. The objective of the game is for each player to try to checkmate the king of the opponent. Checkmate is a threat ("check") for the opposing king that no move can stop. He finishes the game.

During the game the two opponents take turns to move one of their pieces to a different board house. A player ("white") has pieces of a light color; the other player ('Black') has pieces of a dark color. There are rules about how pieces move, and about taking the opponent's pieces off the board. The player with white pieces always makes the first move. Because of this, White has a small advantage, and wins more often than black in tournament games.

Chess is popular and is often played in competitions called chess tournaments. It is enjoyed in many countries, and is a national pastime in Russia.


- 7 totally different colors of chessboard
- 6 Completely different history selectable
- Undo operate
- Records
- load and save chess suits
- Superior efficiency

Chess Offline APK Versions

Latest Version

v Beta 1.2
3.07 MB
Dec 1, 2017