Survival Challenge Zombie Game APK

Fun game where you have to survive a zombie attack,
Published by  Cubo2D
35  Ratings13  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2014-05-18
Latest Version1.1.3
Size9.95 MB
Android version2.2 and up
Content RatingTeen


Survival Challenge Zombie Game APK screenshot 1Survival Challenge Zombie Game APK screenshot 1Survival Challenge Zombie Game APK screenshot 1

Survival Challenge Zombie Game APK Description

Fun game where you have to survive a zombie attack, move vertically while defending your position and removes the enemies in your way. You can choose different weapons and items. the player weapons and items are improved.

The game has 5 different areas and over 20 levels, plus many enemies. You can choose from 7 available weapons and equip 2 at a time. You can also equip 3 item. configuration of weapons and items can only be changed before each game. This allows different styles of play.

Some of the items available are barriers, hand grenades, explosives and night vision. Each level has a final mark of 0-3 stars, and also saves the maximum points.

Survival Challenge Zombie Game APK Versions

Latest Version

v 1.1.3
9.95 MB
May 18, 2014