Emoji Maker APK

Create & Share Custom Emoji
Published by  Appz Garden
105  Ratings59  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2018-09-25
Latest Version1.11
Size11.86 MB
Android version4.1 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Emoji Maker APK screenshot 1Emoji Maker APK screenshot 1Emoji Maker APK screenshot 1

Emoji Maker APK Description

An expression says more than a thousand words...!
Let your loved ones visualize what your heart feels..!!

Bring out the creativity hidden inside you and create customized Emojis defining your mood and emotions.

Select among wide variety of emoji shapes including smilies, fruits, non living items and add smiles, eyes etc. Adjust size color and save.

Export the created Emojis to use in other apps. Emojis from other app can be imported and further customized. Saved Emojis can also be shared instantly to other person while you are customizing it.

Now what are you waiting for.. Go get started and convey your feelings to your special ones....

Features :

-] Add custom emoji on your photos.
-] Make Emojis from large bucket of available images.
-] Add text of your choice to your own Emojis.
-] Resize, rotate emoji shapes as you desire using finger zoom in zoom out.
-] Save Emojis to the emoji gallery.
-] Use saved Emojis through emoji keyboard inside other apps.
-] Surf randomly from rich set of pre built Emojis.
-] instantly share Emojis with your friends.

Emoji Maker APK in Action

Emoji Maker APK Versions

Latest Version

v 1.11
11.86 MB
Sep 25, 2018