Screen Time Parental Control APK

Best free Android parental control app to manage any of your kids devices
Published by  Screen Time Labs
30,943  Ratings21,205  Comments

APK Details

Last Updated2018-10-30
Latest Version3.11.6
Size8.67 MB
Android version4.1 and up
Content RatingEveryone


Screen Time Parental Control APK screenshot 1Screen Time Parental Control APK screenshot 1Screen Time Parental Control APK screenshot 1

Screen Time Parental Control APK Description

Screen Time Parental Control

Screen Time is a free to use parental control app that helps parents manage and control the amount of time their kids spend on smartphones and tablets.

From your own phone, you can limit your kids’ daily use, block specific apps, approve new apps, block certain times of day (e.g. bedtime) and reward extra time for good behavior!

Screen Time helps kids understand a healthy limit… and reduces those all too familiar device related arguments!

This is the Android Parental Control app. From it you can both monitor and control screen time on Android devices, Apple iOS devices and Amazon Kindle Fire devices.

Our app includes both Free and Paid (Premium) features.

Our Free version is free forever. Here is what you get:

• Monitor just how much time your kids are spending on their smart devices… from the convenience of your own smartphone
• See which specific apps are being used and for how long
• Receive a notification when your kids try and install a new app
• See which websites have been surfed from your kids' devices
• Also see what has been searched for from your kids' devices
• Get a ‘Family screen time pact’, to talk through with your kids before starting to monitor them (great way to help your kids understand)

We also have a Premium version of the app, which actively sets boundaries for your kids' screen time. You get all of the Free features plus some really useful Premium features when you subscribe, these include:

• Set a specific daily time limit for your kids’ screen time
• Instantly pause your kids’ devices at the push of a button
• Block certain apps at certain times of day
• Block all activity when it is time to go to bed
• Restrict activity during school hours
• Create other blocked periods based upon your needs with our Schedules
• Receive a daily summary of what your kids have been doing on their smart devices
• Set your kids tasks to complete so they can earn additional screen time
• With our monthly, 6 monthly or annual subscription, you can manage all your kids and all their devices. It’s all one price.
• You can share the management with other parents or grandparents as you wish. There is no limit.

All new users will get a 14 day free trial of the Premium version. There is no obligation to go Premium and no need to provide any payment details until you decide to go Premium.

See our Premium pricing here

What parents have recently said:

“A great app! No more arguments, the kids manage their own time... Perfect!”
-Parent from the US

“Super App... am very happy... I should have installed much earlier in order to save me a lot of trouble and discussions. 👍 “
-Parent from Germany

“I love this app, my son less so... everything is controlled without going into the privacy of the teenager... and customer service very very responsive... I highly recommend!”
-Parent from France

If you have any problems please take a look at our help pages, or contact us via the contact page of our website, since we cannot always help you if you post questions in the reviews.

Screen Time Parental Control APK in Action

Screen Time Parental Control APK Versions

Latest Version

v 3.11.6
8.67 MB
Dec 11, 2018

Other Versions

v 3.10.0
8.6 MB
Oct 30, 2018